Tuesday, 27 January 2009

爱的语言 : 新年传温情

炮竹声,响连天... 舞狮舞龙踩高跷...

所谓:每逢佳节配思亲, 就在这个佳节里特别想念‘家’... 一直以来,新年都是和家人,一般从小学就认识的朋友及佛友们一起庆祝,可是今年却没有这个机会了...

说真的,这里真的没有什么所谓的新年气氛,一点都不热闹。然而,新年嘛,无论如何都得庆祝庆祝嘛!在年二十九晚,一般以前一起就读 A-LEVEL 的朋友都来了我的住宿哪里一起吃团圆饭。


好了!!! 年初一了,拿红包了!!!哈哈... 哎呀又忘了,今年的红包是会迟到的... 哈哈...
当然年初一嘛,一定要拜年啦,现在科技这么先进,就算你人在太空都可以向家人,向朋友拜年的!!! SKYPE 是最好的咯!!! 当然就以这个方式跟家人拜年咯,看见舅舅,阿姨们都回外公家,真的很开心,也有点纳闷,因为我没得回麻... 但不要紧,看到大家这么开心,个个身体健康就好了!!!当然,希望我家人会祝福我,支持我,好让我与最好的成绩毕业,回乡跟大家团聚团聚... 当然看到所有的家人都那么高兴,自己也很欣然咯...

哗,年初一,我也收到了一个很珍贵的礼物... 也令我很感动的一份礼物... 谢谢天赐,中权策划这个很有意义的新年大礼!谢谢所有在年初一有到天赐家的老朋友,谢谢你们,谢谢银浚,志伦,振贺,杰健,JIMMY,可伦,南达,康泳,淑桦,凌川,云洁,佩芬,赐玲,敏慧,等等(如有遗漏请勿见怪)谢谢你们聚在一起,跟我SKYPE好让我也能够跟你们聊聊天,拜拜年麻... 祝大家,身体健康,心想事成, 我们的友谊永固... 大家新年快乐!!!


我游世界 :爱尔兰之旅

I went to Ireland for a trip vacation during the last Christmas Holidays. Here are some pictures to share with my blog readers.

Ireland is really a nice place for naturalists!!! The sight-seeing in Ireland will bring you closet to the natural environment, I am pretty sure that you, a green lover will be astonished and fascinated by the picturesque scenery.
If the regular polls of departing travellers are to be believed, it's Ireland's timeless traditional side that continues to hold the key to the country’s draw as a tourist destination. At the heart of it all is the often breath­taking scenery, still gorgeous enough to make your jaw drop despite the best efforts of developers to scar some of the most beautiful bits with round­abouts, brutal suburbs and summer bungalows. From the lonely, wind-lashed wilderness of the Beara Peninsula to the awe-inspiring landscapes of County Derry, Ireland is one of the world’s most beautiful countries, and worth every effort you make to explore it. The sometimes overwhelming popularity of the scenic superstars like Connemara and Killarney National Park has seen the emergence of quieter idylls as the preferred destination of the discerning traveller, who has discovered the beauty of the lakes of County Roscommon, the villages of County Waterford and the rarely visited County Westmeath. Here you can come into contact with a more genuine Ireland, the kind removed from the slick machinery of the tourist trail. Of course, this does not mean you should miss Dublin: the pulsating capital has a soul and sociability unrivalled by any other European city.
The slow grind that resulted in the end of violence in Northern Ireland has meant that the province can finally go about showing to a much wider audience that it is just as beautiful and interesting as the rest of the island. In 2007, Lonely Planet’s Blue List put it in the world’s top 10 destinations to visit for good reason – the province has always had plenty to see, but IRA activity made the prospect of visiting a little daunting.
Given the troubled nature of its recent past, combined with all of the usual problems thrown up by any modern society, Ireland is no laid-back Utopia (that'd be boring anyway). But the fact remains that the Irish warmth and welcome is the real deal, and millions of visitors testify to the sheer ease with which they made friends here. Someone will stop and help you find your way when you’re standing on a corner gawking at a map; you will strike up a conversation if you’re sitting alone in a pub; and there is a very good chance that if you’re stuck somewhere a local will volunteer a lift to wherever you need to go. The Irish love complaining about their country – about the crappy weather, the horrible traffic, the unplanned construction, the venal corruption – and will swear to you that you’re the luckiest person on earth because you don’t have to live here, but they only do it because this is the greatest country on the planet. Make sense? Well, it does ­­here.

Thursday, 1 January 2009

不说你不知 :救星你在哪 ???

这个是一道IQ 问答题。 请各位读者在回答之前,勿寻出答案。答案就在本页。This is an IQ question. All readers, please do not proceed to the answer before attempt the question. The answer is given on the page.

题目:人有三急 。 请猜出你最想去参观的旅游胜地。 Question : Where should you be heading to when your tank is full.

答案:公共厕所 Answer : public toilet

说来可怜。圣诞节当晚,为了要送我一位好友回家,结果我必须在寒冷的夜里逛了四个半小时。Pitty me so to say. During the Christmas night, the gang and me would like to send one of the dudes to his apartment. Ended up, we walked in the cold at night for about 4 and half-hours. 原因,在圣诞节那天英国是没有公共交通服务的。所以需要靠十一号巴士了咯!如果你觉得我很可怜的话,就请笑一个! The reason is, there were no any public transport services during the Christmas day in England. Therefore, the only reliable transport vehicle is ( coach number 11 ),it means walking. If you think that I was pitty, then plese give me a warm smile.如果这时可怜,那当时送他回家时,是凌晨一点钟!这应该更可怜巴,所以请在笑大声一点!这还不够可怜呢,应为那时的温度是零。。。所以笑大声点吧!!!Moreover, it was 1 am when we walked him back to his apartment, this should be poorer right? So please do not hesitate to laugh. The worse case is, when we were walking on the street, the temperature was just nice, 0 celcius. 可是,你知道吗,当时太冷了,我的“积水器”也装满了。想找个厕所却怎么找也找不到。。。嗨。。。可怜。。。 真的气死我了!!!But do you know that, it was so cold and my tank waas fully filled at that time. Oh gosh...what a coincidence right? It was really hard to find a public toilet.

有人说,老人:气可以忍,尿不可以忍 ;少年:尿可以忍,气不能忍 !!!可是我却又想尿尿,又气的···真的很难受叻!!! 一个这么先进,又曾经统治无数小国的英国,在其首都,伦敦想找个公厕却难如登天!走了两个多小时才找到,但找到了却有点可笑,原来上面那张图片就是公厕。。。哈哈。。。每用一次公厕,都得交裞。。 20p 就是马币RM1.20 哈哈。。。很便宜吧!!!What a shame I would say, it was so difficult to find a public toilet in the world busiest city,london city. It cost me to walk for more than 2 hours in order to get a public toilet. OMG...

公厕真的少之又少,旅客请小心,最好随身携带尿片。。。哈哈。。。The fact is, there are jsut a few public WC in the city, for tourists, you are advised to bring along the napkins..hehe...

但这些公厕还蛮酷的!!!那个门是自动开关的,一旦用完厕所,会自动清洗,会自动喷香水,会自动帮你抹屁股。。。开玩笑的啦。。那公厕麻雀虽小但五脏齐全。所以还是马来西亚好,公厕很多,可惜的是公厕被滥用,被破坏。After all, the public toilets in london are all sophisticated desinged and using the high technology service. After u put in the 20p coin, the door will aotomatically open for you, once you have done with your business, the toilet bowl will be aotomatically flushed. After you came out from th WC, it will took a minute to clean up the toilet and spray some fragant before the service is pass onto the next customer. Cool right? On the other hand, eventhough Malaysia have a lot of public toilets available for the people to use, but most of them are spoiled and out of service as the result of vandalism.

p/s :请各界人士珍惜公共设施!为你身边的人着想,请爱护“厕所”。

p/s : To all members, please do not damage the public facilities for the sake of your love one.