Wednesday, 18 March 2009

生活加油站 :Story of a pencil

we are like the pencils

One day, the pencil producer tells the pecils
"there are five things that you must know before I send you out into the world,
and you must always remember them in order to be the best pencil"

1. You will be able to do and achieve a lot of great things if and only if you allows yourself to be held in someone's hand.

2. You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, but this is essential if you want to be a better pencil.

3. You have the ability to correct the mistakes that you might make.

4. The most important part of you will always be what's inside.

5. No matter what condition, you must continue to write. You must always leave a clear, legible mark no matter how difficult the situation.

Now, views this into yourself

1. You will be able to do many great things, but if only you allow yourself to be held in God's hand, and allow other human beings to access you for the many gifts you possess.

2. You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, by going through various problems and plights, you will definitely need it to be a stronger person.

3. You might be able to correct mistakes. You might make or grow through them.

4. The most important part of you will always be what's on the inside.

5. On every surface you walk, you must leave your mark. No matter what the situation, you must continue to serve humanity in everything.

Everyone is like the pencil, created by the power of maker
for a unique and special purpose
By understanding and remembering this
let us proceed with our life on this earth having a meaningful purpose
in our heart and have relationship to the mighty power, GOD, daily

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Sheffield Game !!! Ga/uys splendid appointment !!!

It has been quite a while since we last met each other.
It has been quite a while since our last football game.
It has been quite a while since we last "kutuk" each other.

Here, out of the blue, all dudes decided to meet up at the sheffield game, treating a football game instead of football match as a valid reason to resume the ever disunite Ga/uY spirits.

As we all expected, our team was named as " JAC FC " for the specific reason. One of the members has his very precious asset (not to mention here), which can lead the team to a glory. Unfortunately, the key player wasn't there for the 1st and 2nd matches, thus, we didnt win... After a post-moterm session among the members, eventually we discovered the main cause which attributes the the disaster by being defeated 6-0 from the home team. The reason was, the miracle asset which can attract the attention from other team players was not there. We expected that with the power of JAC's asset, we can drive away the concentration of other team players from the ball to the "balls-like thingy"...Sad...sad....but Fun!!!

After the matches, we went to sheffield town to have a little gathering...end up, we were in PIZZA hut!!!

Before we saying goodbye...haha...cant imagine, the situation where a group of guys went "jalan-jalan" at the Sheffield night market "pasar malam"...haha

Anyway, I would say it was really nice to meet all of you guys again... Hope to see all of you again in the very near future. See you guys....real soon...!!! Yo....ROCK JAC FC !!!

Monday, 9 March 2009

真人真事 :跪妻男 !

所谓:“人非圣贤 ,谁能无过”在这世上,有谁没做过错事呢?天下之大,做错事的人可说是数之不尽,多得数不清,但是知错了,愿意认错,改过错误,薾补自己过错的人却少之又少。不用说,如今的社会里,很多人都不懂得说“对不起”,都不能够鼓起勇气认错.




心理医生全集(王一良 编著)里有说到,“男人是多情的动物 ;而女人则是痴情的动物”。个人觉得,这句话倒是真的有如此时。无法否认,男人是容易动情的,一个甜蜜的笑容,一段关怀的句子,一个迷人的眼神,一个难忘的约会足以让一个男人,对异性产生好感。虽然,女生就不会那么的轻易喜欢上一个人,但是,一但女生爱上了他的白马王子,她就会爱的很深,甚至会用自尽来了结一段失败的感情。有了妻子,还在外头“滚”的男生就应该被判下罪行,那法官就当然是但是当时者啦。可是,单身的男人,就因为像选出自己心底最心仪的对象,而同时有几个好感的异性朋友,那是一个罪吗?每个人都有选择的自由及权利,当然,不管是男生还是女生都可以选对象,但是,一但有了男女朋友,开始交往了,那就有责任在身了。有了责任,就不可以再“乱来”,这时,有了男女朋友还去追求,其他的异性,那这就叫做“花心”。所以要选就因选最好的,而不是只为了一时的贪玩而,后悔莫及。尤其是在这思想开放的世纪里,性行为可说是普遍,但千万别忘记,要为自己所做的一切负责任,不单是男的许负责任,女的也当然有责任。如果还没准备好,还不能够负起那责任,就绝对不可以“乱来”,别倒是才说“早知今日,何必当初”。

P/s:各位读者,让我们一起,“把爱穿出去”好好的爱你身边的每一个人,你的家人,另一半,师长,朋友,及所有的众生。别等到“错过了,才懂得珍惜”,倒是可能太晚了,“别等到做错了才认错,最好就是避免犯错!”PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE 提防是最好的解药!