Saturday, 18 January 2014

Balance is the Key to Life

One Day,

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students, if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again, if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full, The students responded with a unanimous 'yes'.

The professor then picked two can of beers from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand.

The student laughed ... ... ...

"Now" , said the professor as the laughter subsided, ' I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things, - your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favourite passions. If everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be FULL.

The pebbles are the other things that matter, for instance, your job, your house and your car.

The sand is everything else, those small stuff.

'If you put the sand into the jar first, there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. If you put the pebbles into the jar first, there is no room for the golf balls.' The same goes for LIFE.

If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you.

Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.

Spend time with your parents, visit your grandparents. Take your partner out to dinner, play sports. Do not worry, there will always be time to clean the house and mow the lawn.

Take care of the golf ball first, the things that really matter. Set your PRIORITIES. The rest is just sand.

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the Beer represented.

The professor smiled and said, 'I am glad that you asked'. The Beer just shows you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for couple of Beers with friends.

True ? Well, depends on you  ... ...  I would say, 'YES' :)

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Innate Beauty of Human Beings that may have LOST

An anthropologist proposed a game to the kids in a African tribe. He put a basket full of fruit near a tree and told the kids that who ever got there first won the sweet fruits.

When he told them to run, they all took each others hands and ran together, then sat together enjoying their threats. When he asked them why they had run like that as one could have had all the fruits for himself.

The kids replied: "UBUNTU, how can one of us be happy if all the other ones are sad ?"

' UBUNTU ' in the Xhosa culture means : " I am because , we are ".

Adopted from Gregg Braden

《人性的 , 太人性的 》生活





《人性的, 太人性的》书里的一段话:

[ 不快乐的原因之一,就是感受不到自己的存在价值,自己所做的事没能帮助到别人。所以很多老人成天忧愁寡欢,也有很多正直青春的年轻人活得不快乐,因为他们觉得自己很没用,无法对社会有所贡献。因此,想要获得快乐就是帮助别人,乐于付出,才能感受到自己存在的意义,享受最纯粹的喜悦]

一年之计在于春,2014 年刚刚开始,在新的一年里,希望可以学会付出,更能够享受那最纯粹的喜悦。哪怕,我的工作给不到我那一份快乐,我还是有很多选择,很多方式去找那份喜悦。既然,我在两年前选择了这一道具有挑战性的生活经验,那我就得把她克服,从中获得最大的收益,活得精彩。“路 是自己选择的,跪 着也得走完它”。坎坷的路,一定不比平淡的路好走。Our body might get hurt due to the choice we opt. But, shouldn't there be something that worth we are fighting for? In deed, it is very sad to have nothing worth fighting for ! 


一起奋斗,一起努力,一起开心,一起伤心,一起欢笑,一起落泪。一起 《生活》。