This is my blog, all written articles are based on my personal perspectives and opinions, all readers please feel free and be open-minded while reading. If you have any comments, please do not hesitate to write me your precious thoughts, it will be very much appreciated . Happy Reading.
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
爱的语言 :让我欢喜让我忧
休息了三个月,现在又是时候再次出发了,又是时候好好努力了,又要开始下一个旅程碑了,希望大家都能身体健康,天天开心。加油哦!!!我们下次再见面了噢。还有还有要记得我,要想念我,千万不要把我忘记哦!!!保持联络。BYE BYE!!!
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Fact of Life - Top Class Manager
Since last year, one of the most developed countries, US is swamping with its economics tsunami. US economy is slowing down due to the sub-prime market failure yet recently is striked with the bankcruptcy of the Lehman Brothers. Miraclely , with the depressible economy circumstance, the total sale of McDonalds still can achieve a sustainable growth of 9.1%. This result is obtained under the great leadership and management skills of Jim Skinner.
Since 2002,McDonalds declares that the company is facing red digits in the trading account. They were making a net loss in their business.However, after the leading from Jim Skinner, eventually, McDonalds manage to turn over the red digits into black, they are starting to earn profit.
Jim came into the company when the company was facing the toughest moment. After he was given the honour to become the managerial director, he introduced a few changes and reformations. He stoped McDonalds from spending money blindly to expand the number of its outlet, on the other hand, he tried to concentrate on renovating and upgrading some old outlets in deed. Since then, he commanded to upgrade every single McDonalds restaurant to install wi-fi,thus to attract more customers.
Moreover, he tried to come out with different variety of products. The original image of McDonalds is a fast food restaurant which provides carbonate drinks, burgers and fries. In fact, the number of people whom like to drink coffee is increasing sharply over the years, hence Jim decided to break the tradition, he brought in great number of coffee-making machines into the restaurant, and start to introduce italiano coffee to the customers. He claimed that this action is very risky, simply because it takes time to attract the customers to enjoy the idle atmosphere of having a cup of coffee in the fast food restaurant and get the responses from the customers. Besides that, Jim also promotes breakfast meals where sandwiches and western breakfast are provided as well. Another money-making policy that chip in quite a big piece of profit to McDonalds is its 24 hours services.
Finally, Jim strikes the iron when it is hot. He speedily expanded the Asian market especially in China. McDonalds spent about 6millions dollars to be the international co-sponsor in the 2008 Olympics games. Jim claimed that as a result of the magnificant advertisement via the Olympic games, successively, 12o outlets are being operated in the very near future.
In order to be a Manager, we must THINK like a manager, EAT like a manager, WALK like a manager, TALK like a manager and also ACT like a manager. Remember is MANAGER not MANY-ZER. !!!
Saturday, 20 September 2008
你是我的唯一 : 什么是真爱 ( 英 )
What is love? It is one of the most difficult questions for the mankind. Centuries have passed by, relationships have bloomed and so has love. But no one can give the proper definition of love. To some ?Love is friendship set on fire? for others , maybe love is like luck. You have to go all the way to find it by yourself , simpy because everyone have their own understanding about love. No matter how you define it or feel it, love might not be forever, but true love is the eternal truth in the history of mankind.
True love doesn't come
by finding a perfect person
to see an imperfect person
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
故乡情意浓 - “ 停一停步 , 看看你有多忙碌 ”
Sunday, 7 September 2008
政治论坛 - 我家在哪里 ???
Tanah Melayu 所指的是马来人土地,根据历史记载马来西亚在1511年之前,在马六甲皇朝还没灭亡之前的确这片土地是由土著居住,然后随着来自Kenusantaraan Melayu 的马来同胞引入而居。一当马六甲皇朝灭亡之后,这一片马来人土地就被四个国家占领,统治!就在被其他政权所统治时,马来人土地的经济越来越旺盛,需从中国大陆及印度运入大量的人力资源来达到经济的需求量。就因为这样这一片马来人土地,就居住了来自不同大陆,不同种族,不同肤色,不同文化及信仰的人民。
这片黄金土地经过了446年的被占领之后,这片土地的领袖,当然是来自不同种族的领袖,团结一致,向英国争取独立权, 然而这也随心所意的与一个(人民团结,不分种族 ) 和平为贵的主要条件来得到独立。当时的土族愿意公开公民给予其他的种族,而其他种族愿意接受土著在某些方面的特权,以达至一个和平无战乱的社会。就因为我们是一家人,生活在一起五十一年,也把这个大家庭发展得如此神速,经济,文化,教育样样都一直在提升,虽然还比不上一些大国,但现有的成绩业不逊色。