Thursday, 20 November 2008

时事分析 :Empty wallet; Full heart

The financial crisis triggered a dating frenzy

Wherever you go, just carefully open both ears and listen, almost everyone’s catch-phrase or conversation will be nothing else than financial crisis. I strongly believe that “Money not enough “is so familiar with you. After the world financial crisis in 1997, 2008 is believed to be the resumption from the previous recession. Japan, one of the most developed nation announced that the country is going into recession recently. Most of the countries are facing a slowing down economy with high general price over its goods and services.
Strange but it is true, the statistic from the London-based matchmaking service reveals that the number of applicants increases sharply, contemporaneously three times more than last year. During this tough and depressive period, people tend to weather the difficult times ahead with someone they love. In the recession, the returns in striving hard and working extra hours are not as high as when the economy is performing well. The leisure substitution effect kicks-in and overweights the income effect. Despite working long hours, feeling knackered and financially gloomy, and more people set their time prior to meeting up with someone whom may be the one with high potential becoming his or her partner. Everyone is working so hard, yet everyone needs a balance. All works and no play make everyone as a dull boy; all play and no works make everyone as a jackass.
In conjunction with this reason, it is compatible to know the norm of meeting up with people have totally changed over the year. New ways of hanging around or making an appointment are prominent and unique. Actually, all ways or technique is not unique in being unique. Now, people no longer invite a perfect stranger to a dinner, they will rather ask her for drinks instead of for a meal. Obviously it is a brilliant way to cut down costs in socializing yet the same result of excitement can be obtained without any doubts. Besides, many people now choose to go outing in the evening right after their working hours, whereas, before the financial crisis hits, people are more likely to go out at night. By doing this, they can cut down the intermediate transportation costs that they need to spend for extra distance to go home and come out again at the night. Personally, I think that people are reducing the number of night outs (more costly) per week, and opt to make the most of the evening by dedicating to a date. The final observation for the increasing number of people meeting up for love relationship in the evening leads to another thought, people are looking to settle now especially during the crisis times simple because of the cost savings associated with cohabiting. Being in couple will definitely reduce the outgoings and expenditure.

Thursday, 6 November 2008


Her Majesty The Queen opened a breathtaking new building at the London School of Economics and Political Science on the 5th November 2008 which will provide superb teaching space for students by day and the city’s most contemporary venue for public lectures in the evening.

The building, designed by the architects Grimshaw and built by Osborne, will house the school’s Departments of Management and Law, and its new Grantham Research Institute on climate change.

It includes four lecture theatres – the biggest seating up to 400 – which are used for LSE’s packed programme of public talks and events, all of which feature world-leading thinkers.
At the building’s centre is a specially-commissioned artwork by Joy Gerrard which uses a series of hanging globes to represent constellations of ideas and the way that major political or economic thoughts echo through public life.

With a stroke of luck , i was blessed with the opportunity to witness the launching ceromony of NAB and of course to snap some pictures of Her Majesty The Queen.

Lucky ler !!! Came to london not even more than 2 months , I have already met The Queen , whom i believe is more popular than any international celebrities or even Hollywood Firm Stars.

Sunday, 19 October 2008

名人 : Jimmy Choo + Shunwei

On 4th OCT , Malaysian Hall at London had organised a party to celebrate HARI RAYA. Most of the Malaysians in London and part from the England attended the event just to witness the atmosphere of KAMPUNG MALAYSIA.

Pleasurely, I had the opportunity to take a picture with Jimmy Choo.

Jimmy Choo graduated from Cordwainers
(now part of LCF) in 1983. He founded his own couture label in the late 1980s and made Jimmy Choo shoes synonymous with the Oscars and famous actresses. Jimmy Choo's clients include royalty, film stars, pop stars and many other celebrities. In 2000 he received the honorary title Dato (equivalent to a knighthood) from the Sultan of Pahang in recognition of his contribution to Malaysia. In 2002 he received an OBE.

Saturday, 18 October 2008


上星期六,就在忙里偷闲,来到了这个COVENT GARDEN 参观参观。这里呢,离我住的地方不远,只是10分钟就能抵达了。



Friday, 17 October 2008

我游世界 : 伦敦唐人街

有句话说 : 有海水的地方, 就有华人, 有华人的地方, 就有唐人街
这就是离我现在就居地方不远的 - 伦敦唐人街!!!
p/s : 请各界人士,以您最大的能力把我们的根留住,并且把中华文化更发扬光大。

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

离乡背井 : 新环境


着几个星期都很忙,很多事情需要去办,所以就迟 UPDATE 了一些。

说真的,一到Heathrow机场时真的一点也不觉得人已经到达了伦敦,已经坐了十三个小时的飞机。或许是还没睡醒吧,一点blurblur的,鸟鸟的。那天我花了30英镑坐了一辆私家安排的轿车直接送我到我的宿舍,High Holborn Residential Hall 。 老实说一句,真的有点心痛,一个短短30分钟的路程就花了马币大约200零吉。心痛心痛!!!
其实,环境的变化并不大,应为伦敦就像是所谓的“ROJAK” 。 在这里什么人都有,有黑人,白人,黄皮肤的,男人,女人,老人,年轻人,小孩,好人,坏人,英俊的,美丽的,还有还有像我这种鸟人。(开玩笑)伦敦跟其他的地方有些不一样,集中在这里的是世界各国的人,在我的班里边,就有来自十几个不同国家的人了。但是在伦敦肯定不会觉得很突然,这里有很多亚洲人。很多来自马来西亚,星加坡,香港,中国,台湾的龙的传人。所以不会很陌生。
暂时,这里一切都还好,也认识了很多新朋友。 希望各位都能保持快乐和健康。

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

爱的语言 :让我欢喜让我忧

这就是我家乡-巴眼色海(Bagan Serai )的黄昏时刻,很漂亮吧?说真的这个地方不会很大也没什么好玩的,但是这个小镇有的是大城市里很难寻找到的热情,亲情,友情,及温馨。住在这里的居民全部都像是一家人,真心对待彼此。只要你不是一个孤僻的人,那在巴眼色海就没有找不到好朋友的借口。这里的人很随和,很和蔼,非常容易的相处,条件是你对人家好那很肯定的你也会受到一样的对待。


休息了三个月,现在又是时候再次出发了,又是时候好好努力了,又要开始下一个旅程碑了,希望大家都能身体健康,天天开心。加油哦!!!我们下次再见面了噢。还有还有要记得我,要想念我,千万不要把我忘记哦!!!保持联络。BYE BYE!!!

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Fact of Life - Top Class Manager

Since last year, one of the most developed countries, US is swamping with its economics tsunami. US economy is slowing down due to the sub-prime market failure yet recently is striked with the bankcruptcy of the Lehman Brothers. Miraclely , with the depressible economy circumstance, the total sale of McDonalds still can achieve a sustainable growth of 9.1%. This result is obtained under the great leadership and management skills of Jim Skinner.

Since 2002,McDonalds declares that the company is facing red digits in the trading account. They were making a net loss in their business.However, after the leading from Jim Skinner, eventually, McDonalds manage to turn over the red digits into black, they are starting to earn profit.

Jim came into the company when the company was facing the toughest moment. After he was given the honour to become the managerial director, he introduced a few changes and reformations. He stoped McDonalds from spending money blindly to expand the number of its outlet, on the other hand, he tried to concentrate on renovating and upgrading some old outlets in deed. Since then, he commanded to upgrade every single McDonalds restaurant to install wi-fi,thus to attract more customers.

Moreover, he tried to come out with different variety of products. The original image of McDonalds is a fast food restaurant which provides carbonate drinks, burgers and fries. In fact, the number of people whom like to drink coffee is increasing sharply over the years, hence Jim decided to break the tradition, he brought in great number of coffee-making machines into the restaurant, and start to introduce italiano coffee to the customers. He claimed that this action is very risky, simply because it takes time to attract the customers to enjoy the idle atmosphere of having a cup of coffee in the fast food restaurant and get the responses from the customers. Besides that, Jim also promotes breakfast meals where sandwiches and western breakfast are provided as well. Another money-making policy that chip in quite a big piece of profit to McDonalds is its 24 hours services.

Finally, Jim strikes the iron when it is hot. He speedily expanded the Asian market especially in China. McDonalds spent about 6millions dollars to be the international co-sponsor in the 2008 Olympics games. Jim claimed that as a result of the magnificant advertisement via the Olympic games, successively, 12o outlets are being operated in the very near future.

In order to be a Manager, we must THINK like a manager, EAT like a manager, WALK like a manager, TALK like a manager and also ACT like a manager. Remember is MANAGER not MANY-ZER. !!!

Saturday, 20 September 2008

你是我的唯一 : 什么是真爱 ( 英 )

What is love? It is one of the most difficult questions for the mankind. Centuries have passed by, relationships have bloomed and so has love. But no one can give the proper definition of love. To some ?Love is friendship set on fire? for others , maybe love is like luck. You have to go all the way to find it by yourself , simpy because everyone have their own understanding about love. No matter how you define it or feel it, love might not be forever, but true love is the eternal truth in the history of mankind.

True love doesn't come

by finding a perfect person


to see an imperfect person


Wednesday, 10 September 2008

故乡情意浓 - “ 停一停步 , 看看你有多忙碌 ”

二十一世纪里 , 几乎每一样事情都以“快餐式”及“自助”的方法来对待,就连考试,友情,家庭及爱情都渐渐的快餐化。那幕后的原因也当然少不了常常扣在你我嘴边的那一句名言 ----- 我没时间啦。

虽然,人是需要以忙碌的生活来换取生存,但就因为太过追求物质,完美而忘记了什么是 "原来"。只要你停一停步,踏入一个休闲的巴眼色海,那你就会看见之前你所有的忙碌生活,有多枯燥。

今天早上,我单独一个人,在我家附近的一挡小食站,享用早餐。 “ 阿添 Corner ”就位于巴眼色海,小码头,一个小小的档位,简单的一碗面,尽换了一个新的发现,原来享受是那么简单,一点也不难。这个小挡口只有四张桌子,16张椅子,一架陈旧的小收音机及一个特别闲静的河边景色。就在这里,一碗香喷喷的福建面及一杯清凉的玉米水就成为了我一顿自然,又非常享受的早餐。就在你享用食物之情,还会有一架古董式的收音机播放着一些经典老歌。那优美又悦耳的声音就在你身一一的陪伴着你。经典老歌当然听不厌,也会使你的灵魂安定下来,平静的一面吃一面欣赏那城市里所看不见的河之景,有时还会看见几艘舢板在那平静的河水浮面航行。不时当你闭上双眼,还会有一阵阵的凉风在你身边与你徐徐的擦肩而过。难道这还不称得上是享受吗?
享受原来那么简单,那么纯粹及自然。只要我们能够将那颗忙碌的心放下,那享受就会以你为友了! 开心也过一天,不开心也过一天,为何不轻轻松松,快乐的过一天 ???

Sunday, 7 September 2008

政治论坛 - 我家在哪里 ???



Tanah Melayu 所指的是马来人土地,根据历史记载马来西亚在1511年之前,在马六甲皇朝还没灭亡之前的确这片土地是由土著居住,然后随着来自Kenusantaraan Melayu 的马来同胞引入而居。一当马六甲皇朝灭亡之后,这一片马来人土地就被四个国家占领,统治!就在被其他政权所统治时,马来人土地的经济越来越旺盛,需从中国大陆及印度运入大量的人力资源来达到经济的需求量。就因为这样这一片马来人土地,就居住了来自不同大陆,不同种族,不同肤色,不同文化及信仰的人民。

这片黄金土地经过了446年的被占领之后,这片土地的领袖,当然是来自不同种族的领袖,团结一致,向英国争取独立权, 然而这也随心所意的与一个(人民团结,不分种族 ) 和平为贵的主要条件来得到独立。当时的土族愿意公开公民给予其他的种族,而其他种族愿意接受土著在某些方面的特权,以达至一个和平无战乱的社会。就因为我们是一家人,生活在一起五十一年,也把这个大家庭发展得如此神速,经济,文化,教育样样都一直在提升,虽然还比不上一些大国,但现有的成绩业不逊色。

